Being a Sales Hunter, Part 1: The Essential Checklist

HSMAI’s Sales Advisory Board (SAB) is developing resources to help hospitality organizations that are gearing up to bring back staff and hire for new positions, including sales hunters. The SAB created a three-part series to help sales hunters improve their skills and increase their value to organizations — beginning with this checklist.

Sales is not always about who you know, but who knows you. This checklist of best practices can be used by hotel sales leaders, directors of sales, catering sales, and others to develop prospecting skills — and harness the ongoing process of uncovering new potential customers, contacts, and community networks in order to create a stream of passive sales.

Use this tool as part of your regular process to reveal missed opportunities for new business, expand on current business, and create top-of-mind awareness in the minds of your contacts. No matter the tactic, it is essential to be genuine in all communications. Do not be overly scripted or fake. If you are, your efforts will fall flat.

Categories: Sales, Prospecting, Relationship Selling, Research, Sales Strategies
Insight Type: Tools